It's Great to Be Back!
All of us here in Blacksburg are more than thrilled to be able to welcome new members, returners, leadership, and staff back to the Marching Virginians Center for another great season! This season is incredibly special because it is our 50th Anniversary celebration, where we will be celebrating and welcoming back MV Alumni. Whether they were the class of 2024, or the class of 1974, the Marching Virginians are so excited to have them back. Here is a tiny sneak peek into what our schedule entails this season!
This Friday (September 6), we are welcoming our alumni back for what is known as our Reading Session. This will be an opportunity for us to play a couple of their absolute favorite shows and stand tunes with them.
Happy Band Camp! (Photo courtesy of MV Multimedia)
This Saturday (September 7), is our first home game. We play against Marshall University, and it’s the Marching Virginians’ 50th Anniversary Celebration as well as our MV Alumni Day! We will be welcoming over a thousand alumni and their loved ones back to Blacksburg, and we cannot wait to hear about their favorite memories of being in the MVs.
The following Saturday (September 14), is our exhibition performance at Christiansburg High School! The MVs will take a quick trip over to Christiansburg to perform for very excited high schoolers and families. We absolutely love exhibitions, because this is a way for high schools to see what our organization is all about. It’s also a chance for Hokie fans that may not be able to come to a game to see us perform. There’s always a chance that someone in the crowd is hoping to be an MV someday!
On Saturday, September 21, we are hosting lots and lots of high schools from around Virginia and nearby states at our annual MV for a Day! This is always such a fun day, and we are so excited to meet high schoolers and prospective MVs! The Marching Virginians always love getting to meet and perform with high school marchers.
September 28 brings another exhibition day — a doubleheader at both Riverbend and North Stafford high schools! This really maximizes how many young marchers will get to see us play this season. We’re so excited!
Hi, Chad! (Photo courtesy of MV Multimedia)
On Friday, October 25, we have our homecoming parade. That Saturday, the 26th, is our homecoming game against Georgia Tech.
November 9th, we will be hosting Clemson University at Lane Stadium, and this is also our annual Hokies for the Hungry! Hokies for the Hungry is a friendly competition among the sections to see who can donate the most food to donate to charity. We always love this fundraiser at the end of the year!
On November the 30th, we will be hosting the University of Virginia for our last game of the regular season. This is Senior Recognition for the MVs, as well as Band Parents Day! This is the day that we get to recognize our wonderful seniors, and welcome our parents on Game Day to join our celebration!
In early December, before finals, we will have our end of year livestream concert. Stay tuned for details on dates, and to see if we play the ACC Championship on Sunday, December 7!
We have such a busy but exciting season coming up here in Blacksburg, and we cannot wait to celebrate our 50th anniversary alongside our alumni, high school bands, and all of Hokie nation!