Source: Alana Hassett
On Saturday, Virginia Tech football beat the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 43-41 in 6OT in one of the most nerve wracking and exciting games that Lane Stadium has ever seen.
On Saturday, the Virginia Tech Drumline also played the drum cheer “Stick It In” in Lane Stadium for the first time since 2007.
We don’t think so.
Source: Drew Robertson-Gouge
“Stick It In” is a drum cheer that the band used to play whenever the Hokies were in the red zone. It was by far the most well-known drum cheer, and it had everyone in Lane Stadium on their feet shouting along.
The somewhat scandalous nature of the cheer (and the fans’ dance moves that accompanied it) led to many complaints from football fans, which ultimately led to the cheer being banned from Lane Stadium in 2007. Since then, “Stick It In” has only made a resurgence once every year for the band’s Hokies for the Hungry service project, where the drumline plays it for tailgaters for a price, with all proceeds going towards the Montgomery County Christmas Store.
Lexie Hackman
“Stick It In” has been out of commission for over a decade. But that hasn’t stopped the drumline from teaching it, it hasn’t stopped Hokie fans from wearing t-shirts with the phrase plastered across the front, and recently it hasn’t stopped the student section from chanting “Stick It In!” when the ball is in the red zone.
It has been clear all season that the fans want “Stick It In” back. The directors of The Marching Virginians knew that if the drumline played the cheer, the stadium would go absolutely wild, completely changing the atmosphere of a tense, nervous crowd to one that’s energized and hyped-up. So after a few conversations with Virginia Tech Athletics, the band directors, Dr. Polly Middleton and Chad Reep, came to the band with a very hesitant suggestion that maybe, just maybe, they might actually play it.
Source: Alana Hassett
On October 19th, 2019—exactly 12 years, 1 month, and 1 week after it was banned from Lane Stadium, the drumline played “Stick It In,” the crowd went wild, and the Virginia Tech football team charged on to defeat the Tar Heels in a record breaking game that kept the stadium full to the brim until the winning two-point conversion.
“The Marching Virginians have the responsibility of electrifying Lane Stadium at every football game,” says band director, Dr. Polly Middleton. “We take that responsibility seriously and love engaging the crowd and cheering the team to victory. I will NEVER forget the game last Saturday against UNC—being part of that atmosphere is an indescribable feeling. Being part of The Marching Virginians in that atmosphere was amazing.”
When asked whether she believes the cheer will make a full resurgence this year, Dr. Polly smiles. “The fact that a cheer like “Stick It In” can inspire that kind of excitement for the team is remarkable,” she says. “Is “Stick It In” back? It was back on Saturday night, and I think if the situation was right it could be back again!”
Source: Alana Hassett